Thursday, January 21, 2010

My greek tortoise left in bad care, nails overgrown - help?

I left on an extended visit to family, I left for two months to Texas, and I wanted to take Riko so badly! Oh, he would have loved it. But after long stipulation, it was best for him to stay. My parents wanted nothing to do with it, So my best bet was my grandma, who was the only person I knew who had general reptile experience, she had had a lizard for a few years... Good enough lol. I went through every detail of taking care of him multiple times, if anything went wrong or if she needed an answer for something, she was to call. So she knew exactly how to care for Riko.

Everytime I would call, I would ask about Riko, but she assured me he was perfectly fine. So when I got home, picked him up, and set him up back to normal. I gave him a run over, and everything is fine - except his nails... His nails are so overgrown, that it actually looks like its hurting him, and his walking is messed up because of it.

So, I dont understand, he's never had this happen before, long nails I mean - he's always scratched on his wooden box and on his substrate so they've always been normal length. What changed in the two months? Was she giving him too much calcium? Or was he withdrawn from the new surrounding, enough to where he wouldn't claw the wood...? So weird.

Well, Since I've never had to deal with it before, what am I supposed to do about his long nails?My greek tortoise left in bad care, nails overgrown - help?
You should have the toe nails cut. The nails are much like a dog, just view and cut. Should he bleed dab flour on it. If you do not trim the nails they can grow and cause permanite crimping of his feet. So yes it is important to trim them. I do not think the care taker did anything to cause it, Nails do grow.

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