Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How to take care of ingrown toe nail?

A slower (and I'd say safer) way to do it is to let your nail grow out enough that you can clip a small inverted teepee shape in the center of your nail.

As it grows together, it will pull the nail away from the cuticle. You may have to do this more than once. But eventually that nail will grow away from the cuticles.

You're retraining the nail. I hope this helps.How to take care of ingrown toe nail?
grab a stanley knife and run it down the side of your nail where the ingrowing toenail it and run it down until you get to the comfortable end of your toe nail (cutting towards you not away) and then lift the skin and remove the nail, that is if the stanley hasn't pulled it out with it anyway

btw, this workined for me, incase you're thinking I'm insane, but make sure you are right at the edge of your nail otherwise it will simply start cutting into your toe instead of the nail has has come away from the toe and is hiding underneath skin

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