Thursday, January 21, 2010

Can any1 tell me how 2 take care of nails?

Include food rich in calcium and protein in your diet. Milk, eggs, sesame seeds, figs,peanuts, almonds, chick peas, greens, sprouts are all rich in calcium. For more natural tips ,refer…Can any1 tell me how 2 take care of nails?

Nail Care

The condition of nails reflect the quality of tissue production in the body as nails are considered to be the waste product of bones (asthi dhatu) Healthy nails are pink, smooth and evenly shaped.

The root cause of nail disorders like splitting and flaky nails, white spots, vertical ridges or discoloration of the nail bed is an improper diet

. Vata type nails are irregular in shape, pale, rough and brittle and bitten. A person with Pitta as the predominant dosha has oval, soft, strong and flexible nails while Kapha type nails are square, thick, large and very white.

Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, dairy products, nuts, dried fruit and dark green leafy vegetables encourage healthy nail growth. To make the hands soft and nourish the nails, prepare a cream of almond oil and honey and leave it on overnight.

Best of Luck!!!Can any1 tell me how 2 take care of nails?
Here are some proper nail care videos:;feature=channel_page
Cut them 1ce....a day, and make sure to clean under the nails 1ce......a day also. If your a girl, try not to put too much Nail polish. wash your hands reguarly, and your nails should be in tip top shape!
nail hardners r available in market...apply them the same way u appply nail polish

also get regular manicure n pedicure done...
Make sure to wash your hands reguarlly. Cut your nails often. Don't use to much polish becuase if you leave it on to long your nails will turn yello from lack of oxygen
TaKe a LeMoN..

CuT It n RuB It On Ur NaiLs

deN WaSh hAnDs JuZ wId WaTeR

It WiLL kEeP Ur NaiLs



nD HeAlThY

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