Monday, May 10, 2010

Get me tips of caring about nails...?

i'm getting a habit of biting my nails in school and when i'm watching television, someone help meGet me tips of caring about nails...?
hey, firstly u would have to stop biting ur nails. ok do these things:- firstly, let ur nails grow little longer, coz this will stop ur biting habit. to make ur nail shine and whiter apply lemon daily on ur nails. get ur nails always an oval shaped with the help of a philer. oval shaped nails are better than ny other coz this kind of nails grow faster and do not get bitted up fast.use light shaded nail paint to have a beautiful look of ur nail.Get me tips of caring about nails...?
put coco butter around the cuticles
Put bandaids on your fingers to keep you from biting them. Also, when you watch tv, find something else to do with your fingers (knitting, crocheting, other things) so that you won't bite them.
put something that does not taste so good on your hands, like rubbing alcohol or polish remover. the taste is so disgusting you wont want to even put them in your mouth.
Here are my 3 great steps:

1:you go an get your nails done if your allowed

2:you put tape or a bandage on them

3:you paint your nails!!!
Try using Sally Hansen's Miracle Nailgrowth, it is a polish and it works. That is if you do not chew on them.
I also bite my nails to stop well to begin to stop i only would bite nails on one hand {Right} and then i would keep my nails don't so i wouldn't have nothing to bite. Eventually you will begin to think about mouth diseases you can get from bit ting your nails and u will start to think your hands are ugly.
I too used to bite my nails, but for the last 3 yrs. I have been wearing gel nails and I don't bite them anymore!
  • whiteheads
  • Why is it that people think if a man cares about his looks ex: nails, skin, face, hair, clother then he's gay?

    not gay, metrosexualWhy is it that people think if a man cares about his looks ex: nails, skin, face, hair, clother then he's gay?
    Because as a straight guy, I know from personal experience that only gay guys could maintain that level of patience with caring about their looks. I know I can't care long enough, I want to get back to my fried chicken and my basketball game.

    On a sidenote, Dirk Nowitzki is the man!Why is it that people think if a man cares about his looks ex: nails, skin, face, hair, clother then he's gay?
    Because women are supposed to be the self-conscious ones. It shouldn't be termed a gay thing when it comes to men. There's nothing wrong with a guy who has good taste and looks immaculate. It's a different issue if the guy is known to be really vain!
    Umm no one i socialize with thinks like that. Who are you hanging out with? Where are you from?

    Im from Melbourne, Australia and here it is pretty much expected that a guy take care of himself like that. So I wouldn't worry too much about people that say those sorts of things.
    i don't know i think it's social stereotyping. i love it when men care about their appearance, i try to get my husband to use mens face care and to go to a salon for hair styling but he won't do it. so good for you, and I'm jealous. :)
    I believe its more like Metrosexual Men rather than Gay....And to me its not wrong to be so....I like men taking care of their looks and definitely that dosn't mean one is Gay!?!
    I don't why don't you email me.

    I need blonde instructions on caring for solar/acrylic nails.?

    I was convinced in to switching from acrylics to solars. Is there even a difference. I also read somewhere that you should apply cuticle oil on twice daily. Is this true? If so, what and where can I get some? Is there any other care advice that I should be aware of? Any help is gladly appreciated! Thanks tons!!!I need blonde instructions on caring for solar/acrylic nails.?
    No, there is not a difference. Solar nails are acrylic nails. This is a term often used by the discount salons to make you think you are getting something new, and better than acrylics, when all you are getting are simple Pink %26amp; Whites (Permanent French, Forever French - different names, but all the same thing). So, yes - they are acrylic. Just two different colors - pink, and white. In fact, acrylic powders are available in a very wide variety of colors. The possibilities in terms of color are really endless due to the fact that not only do many colors exist, but they can be custom blended to make other colors as well.

    Using cuticle oil is always a good idea whather you have nail enhancements, or not. The idea with P%26amp;W's is to keep them looking shiny. But, cuticle oil will also help to moisturize your nails, and your cuticle area, which is a good thing. My personal favorite is Solar Oil by Creative Nail Design, though there are lots of good ones available. If you don't have cuticle oil, you can use Vitamin E, olive oil, and even vegetable oil will work just fine. Cuticle oils are available in beauty supply stores, as well as in major chain pharmacies such as CVS (in the U.S.) Also, make sure to use a moisturizing hand lotion after each time you wash your hands, or when you get them wet. This also helps with keeping the nails mositurized. Some people may wonder how any moisture can penetrate an acrylic nail's surface to do any good at all. Well, acrylic nails are porous. Thus, they readily absorb liquids of all types. And cuticle oil, hand lotions, and so on are liquids so they can, and will eventually penetrate the surface of the acrylic and work their way down to the natural nails. However, gel nails are porous, So this will not work the same way. They do not absorb liquids of any type. And if you had any type of UV gel topcoat applied on top of your acrylic nails, that also is non-porous and moisture will not readily penetrate the surface of the nail.

    You need to have them filled about every two weeks, depending on how fast your nails grow. And once every other fill, you will need what is called a 'rebalance,' AKA - a backfill. This is necessary because, as your nails grow out, so does the 'white' extension. After a while, it really looks out of place being so far forward so a rebalance is done to place the white back to where it should begin - right on the smile line (free edge). You can buff them to a high shine yourself. All it takes is a good nail buffer/shiner, and a few minutes of your time. Add a drop or two of cuticle oil to each nail when finished, and massage into your nails and cuticles to bring out a super nice, high gloss shine.

    I hope this helps!I need blonde instructions on caring for solar/acrylic nails.?
    Solar nails are similar to acrylic but are made with a slightly different product. They are not extensions like other acrylic nails because they are applied directly to your own natural nail.

    Solar nails are just like a French manicure with all the pampering but without the hassle. They are applied in a two step application. After your nails have been prepared for the application by cleaning and buffing your nails and preparing the nail plate then your solar nail application can begin.

    The first thing your nail technician will do to apply solar nails is to brush on the “white part” of the French nail. Then the next application is the “pink part”, which goes over the “white”. The acrylic is the “pink”.

    Solar nails are the no hassle artificial nails. They do not need to have nail polish so after the pink part is added you are on your way.

    Solar nails do not chip, are long lasting, and also help to strengthen your nails all in a French manicure style. Your nail technician will buff your new solar nails and they will be shiny and ready for anything.

    If you like to tan, solar nails are wonderful as they do not turn yellow as some artificial nails do when you visit your favorite tanning salon.

    Solar nails only need refilled about every 3 weeks. So, they are more convenient and economical than most artificial nails.

    Just care for your hands and nails like always and you will never have a problem. You will be able to do anything that you normally do without worrying about being easy on your artificial nails.

    In regards to taking care of Cockatiels, can I file their beaks slightly, I've learnt to clip wings&nails, but?

    have noticed recently that 2 of my Tiels (have 4) that 2 of them have really pointy sharp beak ends, is that something that is done in grooming Tiels/Birds, filing the beaks a bit? And if so, how is it done? Can I just use a buffing type file, I wouldn't think a course one would be very comfortable for them, the 2 that have the sharpest that I am concerned about are the babies, their both over 6 months now, Clover was born last year in December and Chloe was born this last May and they seem to be getting longer (the beaks). By the way, I do keep stones and sandpaper type stuff in their cages to chew on, and they chew quite regularly, but the beaks are still really sharp, A Tiel that was born with Clover in December that I gave to a friend, his beak is starting to curl slightly under, what's the story on that? Is that normal?In regards to taking care of Cockatiels, can I file their beaks slightly, I've learnt to clip wings%26amp;nails, but?
    Some people do have the beaks of their parrots gently filed to dull the point a little. This must be done very carefully though since the beak is living tissue with blood vessels and (probably) nerves. Its a bit tricky, and one has to be gentle with a very light touch. I've never done it, and can't picture any of my birds voluntarily sitting still for it. I would suggest going to an avian vet for this.In regards to taking care of Cockatiels, can I file their beaks slightly, I've learnt to clip wings%26amp;nails, but?
    They won't chew on stones, and any type of paper isn't going to get the beak trim :)

    Since they are so bad it is best to get them trimmed by a professional at the vet or at your local bird shop. Ask to watch how they trim the beak so you know how it looks

    But if you give them the items they need the beak should not get so overgrown ;)

    In the future a cuttlebone and calcium block are good ways to keep the beak trim, also all cockatiels should have one for calcium.

    Also soft wood toys, rawhides, and cardboard work as beak trimmers. These also should be given so the cockatiel has something to play with, many people make the mistake of only giving hard acrylic toys that the cockatiel does not really want to chew on :)

    Also, what is their diet? A bad diet of only seed can cause beaks to look cracked, overgrown and generally not good looking.

    Goodluck! is a great site and I recommend checking it out!

    O! I forgot to say they will chew on lava stones if so inclined and these do make excellent trimmers.

    But not all cockatiels will chew on them. In this case his other toys I mentioned should pick up the slack :)

    Why can we NOT discuss the currant issues like health care and obama but we can discuss painting nails on sick?

    Why is Yahoo picking and chosing the issues we discuss? Why can we not talk about Obama's plans for health care but we can discuss ';4 lies in the work place'; Why Yahoo, if this is a free country can we not discuss things WE care about?????Why can we NOT discuss the currant issues like health care and obama but we can discuss painting nails on sick?
    Yahoo gets it news from liberal, Obama admin controlled media outlets. They won't report on the evil that obama is. Instead, we get fluff stories that mean nothing. There are a lot of stories that fail to get covered here, and many other outlets, and the ones that will cover them then get labeled as extremist right wing propaganda.Why can we NOT discuss the currant issues like health care and obama but we can discuss painting nails on sick?
    There are some pretty raunchy questions here, so I doubt it is yahoo suppressing them. Most likely it is the way you word the questions to begin with. Liberals want to suppress you, especially if your question doesn't agree with them. Your question would be more apt to get by the liberal censors if your lead in question was more neutral. That way it would make them have to work harder to determine whether your question should be censored.

    Personally, I don't like questions like that because a lot are a waste of time and fewer people will respond because of that. But you'll develop a style and reputation and more people will respond. Good luck.
    Yahoo is a private company they can post what they want. They could link to porn sites if they wanted to. Doesn't mean they are good. But your just talking about what you see right away. They have links to actual news stories.
    Apparently you don't realize that it is not ';Yahoo'; deciding what's discussed but other posters who report your questions or answers.

    And a currant is like a raisin. You mean current.
    I have been noticing some pretty uninteresting so called news topics.
    currant is a type of fruity alcoholic beverage.
    Currant is a little grape. Current is the word.

    I have nice nails but chunky this turn off to guys? Do they really care?

    no guy will notice im different then most guys i actually look at girls shoes sometimes 95% of guys wont even notice or give

    3% are gayI have nice nails but chunky this turn off to guys? Do they really care?
    i dont really think they care about toes and nails but they do care about bob and butts lol

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    I have nice nails but chunky this turn off to guys? Do they really care?
    hey its the hands that are always showing so dont worry about it
    no problem here
    I have chunky toes but I keep my feet well pedicured and looking fine. My boyfriend has a foot fetish and LOVES my feet. =0)
    you toes should not matter
    i dont care
    Chances are, that if we are talking to each other about women, we aren't talking about toes, unless they are really messed up!
    Dosen't really matter to me, as long as you have nice toe nails.

    Less likely to bite nails is it physical,intellectual,emotiona鈥?care give me one answer h & s care?

    less likely to bite nails is it physical, intellectual, emotional,and social waht is it give me one of those answersLess likely to bite nails is it physical,intellectual,emotiona鈥?care give me one answer h %26amp; s care?
    In my experience biting one's nails is an emotional response to anxiety which manifests itself in the physical act of biting one's nails. Many nail biters find it extremely difficult to stop unless they replace it with another anxiety relieving behavior.Less likely to bite nails is it physical,intellectual,emotiona鈥?care give me one answer h %26amp; s care?
    nail biting is a sign of an oral fixation. so any of the other ones would be less likely to bite their nails
    Nail biting is often a sign of anxiety. As children we found solace in oral contact with mom's nipple, or bottle (depending on the feeding practice) When we find ourselves in a situation of stress, we reach for the same feeling of comfort. BTW I used to bite my nail till I took up knitting.
  • whiteheads